Men’s Health Clinic, Bowral

At Walker St General Practice, our male doctors take a proactive approach to men’s health.

Men’s Health Clinic Bowral

We offer advice and support on a wide range of men’s health issues, including:

Prostate checks
Weight and cholesterol management
Depression and anxiety
Sexual health
Cardiovascular disease risk screen
Prostate checks
Weight and cholesterol management
Sexual health
Cardiovascular disease risk screen
Depression and anxiety


At Walker St General Practice, we want to work with you to attain your best possible health.

Regular health checks can help detect health problems at an early stage before they develop into more serious chronic conditions. For example, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some cancers can be picked up earlier on, when treatment is often more effective. 

Run by our talented male doctors in Bowral, our practice is operating a Men’s Health Clinic that will provide our new and existing patients with a Comprehensive Health Check.

Your consultation may include:

Height & Weight Check

Heart & Blood Pressure Check

Skin Examination

Bladder & Bowel Health Checks

Immunisation Review

Prostate Health Assessment

Mental Health Assessment

Height & Weight Check

Heart & Blood Pressure Check

Skin Examination

Bladder & Bowel Health Checks

Immunisation Review

Prostate Health Assessment

Mental Health Assessment

After your Well Men check, you may be referred for further checks with a doctor, a blood and/or urine tests to check on your kidney function, liver function, cholesterol level and complete blood count.

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